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Debt Review Loans – What You Need to Know

Debt review loans are a form of debt consolidation, whereby a debt counsellor will combine your outstanding debts into one monthly payment. This will be payable to your creditors as per an agreed plan and is a great option for people who struggle to keep up with their...

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Is Debt Consolidation Right For You?

Whether debt consolidation makes sense for you depends on your specific financial situation, including how much you owe and how you manage your credit. The main goal is to reduce your total monthly payment by lowering or eliminating fees and paying off your debts...

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How to Choose a Debt Consolidation Plan

A debt consolidation plan involves taking all your unsecured debts (debt not secured by collateral, such as credit cards and personal loans) and rolling them into one lump sum with a single monthly payment and possibly a lower interest rate. This can reduce your total...

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How a Debt Consolidation Loan Works

A debt consolidation loan rolls multiple balances into a single, new one that typically has a lower interest rate than those on your existing debt. It also comes with a set repayment schedule, which can help keep you motivated to pay it off. However, it can backfire...

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How Do Debt Consolidation Loans Affect Your Credit?

A debt consolidation loan turns multiple debt payments into a single monthly payment. The goal is to pay off the loan and reduce or eliminate your debt balances. While this method may seem like a quick fix, it’s important to consider how consolidating loans can...

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Debt Review – What is it and How Does it Work?

If you are over-indebted, it is likely that your debt will be causing you stress and you may be wishing for relief. One option to consider is debt review - or debt counselling - which is an agreement between you and your creditors that you will pay a consolidated...

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